Cunning canine animal


"Sly as a fox" you've probably heard it said. With all right: the red fox is a wise dog that learns quickly and adapts to situations. Read more >>

Listigt hunddjur:


"Listig som en räv" har du säkert hört sägas. Med all rätt: rödräven är ett klokt hunddjur som lär sig snabbt och anpassar sig efter situationer. Läs mer >>


Latin name:Vulpes vulpes
Order: Predator
Family: Canine animal
Weight: Males 6-10 kg, females 5-7 kg
Food: Omnivores. Their diet mainly consists of rodents, but they also eat plants and ash. They hunt mice, hares, chickens and fish and can also take eggs from various birds.
Expectancy: Up to 20 years

What does the Fox say?

There is something in the hit song "what does the fox say". A red fox has up to 28 different sounds, and sometimes you can really wonder what it is you hear when the fox's howling and barking echoes in the night. The most common sound is a horse and short howl interspersed with a short barking sound. They end the melody with a longer howl!

The fox is cunning and adaptable

The fox can adapt to the environment and availability of food. Therefore, the red fox is widespread in a variety of environments. They live in everything from forests, meadows and fields as well as in cities and villa gardens. Foxes are omnivores, which means they get their food from both the animal and plant kingdoms.

The fox's den and territory

You may have smelled a strong scent of fox at some point when you were out in the woods and fields. The fox marks its territory in several places with feces and territory, hence the smell. In the middle of the area is the fox's den, which is often not dug by the fox itself, but taken over by badgers or rabbits. In addition to the main entrance, the fox also digs several "emergency exits" in order to quickly leave the pot.
The fox is agile, fast and agile

The fox is not only cunning - it is fast too! When fleeing, the fox can reach a speed of 50 km/h. It is nimble and agile and easily jumps over obstacles at a height of 2 meters.

Häng med vår digitala djurvårdare!

Our three red foxes live here. Join us as our zoologist Calle talks about these cunning canines and shares his best scouting tips!

Animal carers' best scouting tips


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Lär dig mer om de nordiska djuren i Skånes Djurpark

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