This is how we create safety in Skåne Zoo

Information for visitors regarding the coronavirus

On this page, we collect all information regarding Skåne Zoo and the current situation with the coronavirus.

Kära gäst,

Upplevelsen i Skånes Djurpark är 100% utomhus. Parken är ett hundratusentals kvadratmeter stort utomhusområde där våra gäster kan hålla avstånd till andra sällskap. Vi kan omsorgsfullt hålla öppet och välkomna dig och din familjen till en dag tillsammans i vår utomhuspark.

Vi har vidtagit flera åtgärder för att skapa förutsättningar för ett trygg besök;  vi begränsar antalet gäster i parken och därför behöver alla gäster inklusive säsongskortsgäster förboka sina besök.

Läs vidare på denna sida för mer information om våra åtgärder för din trygghet. 

Upplevelsen i Skånes Djurpark

The park's attractions, playgrounds and animal experiences are open. The pony ride is closed. One of the park's restaurants and some of the kiosks are open. The restaurant capacity in the park is limited and adapted to the number of guests, and you can bring your own picnic or barbecue food. The park's grills will be lit and for SEK 50 per family you can use charcoal and grills.

Vaccination certificate

Proof of vaccination is not required to visit Skåne Zoo. The experience in Skåne Zoo is 100% outdoors. The park is a hundred thousand square meter outdoor area where our guests can keep their distance from other groups.

Kom gärna efter 11.30 💚

Hjälp oss att undvika köer - besök oss efter kl 11.30 när vi har mindre gäster i parken.


Flest besökare


Fler besökare

13.00 -

Färre besökare

Rebooking of tickets

Do you have or Has anyone in your party fallen ill? No danger. It's free to rebook day tickets, we'll make sure you can come another day. The rebooking must be done no later than the same day as your arrival date. Click the button below to rebook your tickets.


Åtgärder i Skånes Djurpark

Being able to get out and enjoy fresh air and daylight is good for both the innpp & soul. Skåne Zoo consists of large outdoor areas where our guests can spread out over large areas.Advice from the authorities currently means that our business can function as normal and we are open for those of you who are looking forward to it. Read below about the measures we have taken to make your visit as safe as possible:
  • All guests (including season ticket guests)need to pre-book before the visit and we limit the number of guests in the park to ensure that the park's guests have plenty of space and can thus keep their distance.
  • We ask all guests if they are healthy before they are allowed into the park. Guests and staff with cold symptoms should not visit Skåne Zoo.
  • Guests are asked to keep a distance from other guests, a minimum of 2 metres, and to cough/sneeze into the crook of their arm.
  • Most indoor areas are closed.
  • Restaurant Stallet, which normally serves a buffet, is closed, while Restaurant Björnberget is open. At Björnberget, guests order food via the WEIQ app, and then avoid queuing.
  • In the areas that require it, we limit the number of guests staying there at the same time.
  • The queuing systems around the park are adapted to avoid congestion.
  • Hand sanitizer stations are located throughout the park. Wash your hands before and after meal breaks, play on playgrounds, contact with animals and toilet visits. We also recommend that you bring your own hand sanitizer and actively use it.
  • The daily program is adapted to prevent large crowds, which means that there are no timed feedings of the animals. It is fine to ask an animal keeper when the animals will be fed if you are interested.
  • We have staff around the park whose job it is to discourage crowds.
  • The children have the opportunity to meet our mascots, but not to hug them.
  • Otherwise, the recommendations from the Public Health Agency apply; stay at home if you are sick, if you are or should be quarantined or if you feel unsafe.

Tack för att du håller avstånd

Frågor och svar: Covid-19

  • Do I need to worry before my visit to Skåne Zoo?

    Skåne Zoo consists almost exclusively of large outdoor areas, our guests have plenty of space to spread out and keep their distance.

  • If you are ill or have cold symptoms, belong to a risk group or feel unsure about your visit to Skåne Zoo, it is fine to rebook your ticket.

  • Att säkerställa medarbetarnas hälsa och säkerhet är av yttersta vikt och vi har vidtagit flera försiktighetsåtgärder. 

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