Kultingar på vift

Wild boar

"The boar cultists have escaped!" We often hear this from our guests. When the puppies are small, they can go in and out of the enclosure as they please, and are therefore not at all on the loose. They are curious and happily explore the park and its guests. Feel free to sit down for a while and scratch a cunt's belly (if they want of course), they usually love that!Read more >>

Cults on the move


"The boar cultists have escaped!" We often hear this from our guests. When the puppies are small, they can go in and out of the enclosure as they please, and are therefore not at all on the loose. They are curious and happily explore the park and its guests. Feel free to sit down for a while and scratch a cunt's belly (if they want of course), they usually love that! Read more >>


Latinskt namn: Sus scrofa
Ordning: Partåiga hovdjur
Familj: Svindjur
Vikt: Hanar 200 kg, honor 70-140 kg
Dräktighetstid: 3,5-4 månader
Föda: Allätare
Livslängd: 10-15 år

A pig that eats most things

Wild boars are omnivores that eat most anything they come across. They eat grass, berries, roots, insects and even carrion (dead animals) if they run into one. If they manage to catch smaller animals themselves, they also eat them, such as reptiles and other small animals they can catch.

Boar and people
Many people may feel a little worried about running into wild boar out in the woods. Perhaps you have heard of dogs being attacked or other nasty wild boar stories. However, encountering a wild boar in the wild is unusual as wild boars are very shy. They have an amazing sense of smell and thanks to it they can detect people from far away. They see poorly but hear very well, and they stay away if they spot people.

Vildsvin som bökar

Även om det är mycket ovanligt att se vildsvin när man är ute och rör sig i skog och mark, kan man ofta se spår efter grisarna. I jakt på rötter och ätbara växter bökar de effektivt upp jorden med sina långa trynen. Om man bor i närheten av vildsvin kan man ofta behöva hägna in sin trädgård om man vill undvika att få rabatterna uppbökade.  Vildsvinens bökande är trots allt inte endast någonting besvärligt: med sitt bökande hjälper de till att sprida växtarter i naturen.

Klumpigt utseende men snabb vid flykt
Trots att vildsvinen kan se klumpiga och framtunga ut kan de komma upp i mycket höga hastigheter. Ett vildsvin kan komma upp i så mycket som 48 km/h!

Lär dig mer om de nordiska djuren i Skånes Djurpark

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