Welcome to Camp Oak

Information and program for Camp Oak

How nice that you want to experience our unique overnight stay concept in Camp Oak - it will be a memory for life! Read more about, the program for the stay, tips for your packing and other information before your visit via the buttons below.

Day 1

16.00-16.45 - Check-in

It's time to check in. Gather the pack and head up to Camp oak and let the adventure begin.

17.00 - Introduction by the big tent

Gathering in the big tent for a welcome meeting where you will find out about tonight's and tomorrow's activities.

17.30 - Cooking in the wilderness

Together, the flock grills supper over the crackling grill!

18.45 - Help the Forest Ranger prepare food for the animals

Meet the Forest Ranger in the animal kitchen and prepare food for the animals you will meet on the expedition

19.00 - Expedition at dusk

When you are full and satisfied, the next adventure awaits - the expedition to the park's predators. You will go out into the park together with the forest ranger who gives a guided tour while you get to feed them. Are you ready?

20.10 - Campfire 

Now it's your turn to discover the park. Why not go on an expedition up or say hello to our nocturnal animals? At camp oak, marshmallows are served that you can grill over an open fire.

Before you crawl into your sleeping bags, prick up your ears and listen for all the sounds of nature, you might hear the howling of wolves or the hoot of owls.

Day 2

08.00 - Breakfast

Good morning! When your herd has woken up, it's time to cook breakfast out in the wilderness!

09.45 - Breakfast for the bears

When you have eaten breakfast, it is the bears' turn to have theirs. Go with the forest ranger to the bears where you can help prepare a bear enrichment.

10.30 - Check-out

It's time to check out. You check out at the base camp, where you checked in the day before, and are then warmly welcome to continue your adventure in the park. We thank you for your stay with us and wish you a continued magical day!

- Own sheet (obligatory)

- Sleeping bag (available to rent for SEK 99)

- Clothes according to the weather - be ready for chilly evenings and nights

- Rain clothes - an adventurer explores in all weather

- Changes - the weather can change quickly in the forest

- Water bottle - a real Adventurer drinks a lot of water

- Flashlight/headlamp - the dark can make it tricky to find the sleeping bag 

- Seat pad - otherwise moss works perfectly 

- Teddy bear - which you can hug when you hear a wolf howl 

- Pillow - for an extra good night's sleep 

- Extra blanket/blanket - feel free to bring if you have a favorite at home or if you are extra frozen you

Good to know before your visit

Camp Oak

Camp Oak consists of eight smaller family tents with room for up to 6 people. There are also two larger tents with room for up to 10 people. All tents are equipped with comfortable tent mattresses, electricity, camping lantern and heating element. All guests will have access to a refrigerator and microwave.

Shower..? A true adventurer doesn't shower! There are hand sanitizer stations at each tent - make good use of them!

What is included?

The overnight package includes an overnight stay in a tent tent for four people as well as two full days in the park, supper, evening coffee and breakfast. It also includes unique feeding expeditions to the animals outside the park's regular opening hours. Extra people in addition to the four included in the price pay SEK 500 per person.

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